9-Person Trauma Team

When I interviewed an ambulance driver and heard how the Heber Valley Hospital had created a 9-person trauma team to quickly assess a wounded person’s needs, I thought that’s got to be incredible to see. So I set it up with them. In one morning we actually shot two different staged patients who were brought in with different injuries. Ed Matsu did an incredible job with makeup to make sure everything looked authentic. One thing I found interesting was how slowly and calmly everyone moves in these emergencies, yet how incredibly efficient they are. They say their calmness helps patients reflect that as well.

Scott Wilhite produced and directed this story.

:: Director
:: Producer
:: Editor
:: Sound
:: Client: Intermountain Healthcare
:: DP: Matt Williams
:: Camera Operators: Matt Williams, Scott Wilhite
:: Hair/Makeup: Ed Matsu
:: Lights: Matt Williams
:: Music: AudioJungle

About The Author
- Scott Wilhite — Is an award-winning commercial filmmaker, writer, producer, director, author, app maker, and 25-year creative veteran. He is a gifted artist creating films and videos that get people’s hearts to beat. “Film is the most powerful tool of persuasion known to man,” he says. “Because film incorporates every art form—music, imagery, poetry, prose, movement, choreography, light, color, and above all story.” Storytelling is where he truly shines. His stories are memorable, listenable, and likeable.